Our Five Core Philosophies

Education of the “Whole Child”
We address each student’s academic/ intellectual, social/emotional, moral/character and physical/sensory needs as we plan instruction and engage students in educational experiences.

The Developmental Approach
A deep understanding of human development is the cornerstone of our educational program. This developmental approach recognizes and honors the fact that all humans go through the same basic stages of development, but they progress at different paces. The continuous progress/mastery learning system that we use is the organizational framework that supports this approach.

Continuous Mastery Learning Model
The continuous progress/mastery learning model allows students to move through the curriculum at their own pace. Instruction is differentiated in its delivery and mastery of the essential curriculum is expected. Learning units are non-graded, team taught and multi-age in their organizational design.

High Expectations
Our teachers design instruction with high expectations for each student’s ability to master new learning. High expectations result from a strong belief in the inherent goodness and unlimited potential of each student. It fosters high student achievement.

Internal Motivation Psychology
We practice Internal Motivation Psychology to support, promote and develop independent choice of students. This lead them to perform at their best, to develop higher level thinking skills, and to identify core values that will guide them throughout their school and adult life. The internal motivation psychology framework we use includes these components:

  • Teachers and staff have knowledge of the human development characteristics of the age group of their students. They apply that information in the organization of their classroom environment, in their daily instruction, and in their relationships with students.

  • Teachers and staff focus on building positive relationships. They model and teach the character traits that students are expected to learn and demonstrate in the school environment. They teach and apply the basic core democratic values in the classroom with regard to respect for the individual as well as to our responsibility for the common good.

  • Teachers and staff teach social protocols and procedures to bring organization and order through established routines in the learning environment. As students learn the procedures and protocols, they understand the expectations for their participation, interactions, and navigation in the school setting.

  • The CSA District Board of Directors has adopted a “no tolerance” school safety policy for major conduct violations such as violence, insubordination, weapons, drugs, bullying and harassment.


A Safe Place to Grow and Learn


How CSPA High School is Different