Meeting Students Where They Are
Academically Gifted Program
We are dedicated to providing academically gifted (AG) students, Kindergarten through High School, with a challenging and optimized school experience. Identified academically gifted students are clustered within a multi-age configuration that allows them to learn with and from intellectual peers. Clusters also provide the classroom teacher with a significant number of students for group learning experiences.
Curriculum for AG students moves beyond basic fact understanding and skills to complex learning experiences that involve multiple ideas, uncertainties, and abstractions which causes them to modify, combine and extend what they know.
Our Academically Gifted Program is supported by faculty members who have training and experience in gifted education. For more information, please contact Chelsea Szczembara, Academically Gifted Program Director at cszczembara@csaschool.org.
Teacher Support Team
Our Teacher Support Team (TST) serves students Kindergarten through High School who have learning challenges. All students are screened to identify those at risk for learning failure. Teachers trained in special education provide individual support to students identified through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process. Classroom teachers regularly consult with TST to gain the knowledge and skills they need as they support their students through proactive, focused interventions. We follow all state and federal rules, regulations and guidelines related to the delivery of special education.
For more information, please contact Deborah Skolnik, Director of Education Services at dskolnik@csaschool.org.