Charyl Helen Stockwell
1986 - 2001
Charyl Helen Stockwell painted “The Coneflowers” watercolor before losing a ten year battle with a brain and spinal cord tumor just six weeks before her 15th birthday. She was an intelligent, talented and compassionate young person who turned her trials into inspiration for others. To meet her educational needs, her father, Chuck Stockwell, designed a unique public school academy that allows students to progress at their own pace and to express talents in their own individual ways.
Charyl attended the academy from the first day it opened its doors in 1996 and was a role model throughout the time she spent there. She successfully completed her program and graduated in 2001. Her valiant struggle for life and friendship inspired students, teachers and parents.
In her honor, the academy was renamed Charyl Stockwell Academy in June 2001, just one month before her passing. She was an enthusiastic ambassador of the academy, sharing her extensive knowledge and love of the school with family, friends, academy stakeholders and everyone in the surrounding local communities who expressed interest in learning about the academy.
Charyl would be pleased and proud to know that her beloved school has grown to an enrollment of over 1,100 students, has expanded to include a high school program, and is ranked as one of the top-performing school districts in the county and state.